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Longshore and Harbor Workers Comp Attorney in Miami, FL Experienced in Dockworker Claims in Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Palm Beach County, and Throughout Florida

While the Jones Act is the backbone of most American maritime law, there are a large number of acts that protect American maritime workers from injury. Chief among these is the Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA), a series of federal statutes that are designed to provide compensation to offshore workers in the event of disability, occupational disease, or death. The Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act covers a wide number of different maritime workers currently working on the navigable waters of the USA. Any qualified worker actively employed on a pier, dry dock, wharf, terminal, marine railway, or other adjoining area customarily used to build, load/unload, or repair vessels used on American waterways is eligible for compensation under the Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act.

Skillful Florida Lawyer Pursues Compensation For Shipping Workers Hurt On The Job

Dock work is tough, dangerous labor. For this reason, longshoremen, ship-breakers and certain other marine industry employees are entitled to special coverage if they suffer a workplace injury. At Orlando R Murillo P.A., we help Florida laborers obtain benefits under the federal Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA). Our attorney will be able to use his substantial experience in Miami to provide comprehensive legal support to harbor employees so that they can meet their basic financial needs during their recovery.

Dedicated Advocate Provides Detailed Advice On Longshore And Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act Cases

Dockworkers usually receive more benefits under the federal Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act than under Florida workers’ compensation rules. If you have been hurt on the job, I can advise you on relevant legal issues, including:

  • Covered employees
  • Proximity to the water
  • Available benefits

Covered employees. The LHWCA applies to employees who perform physical work rather than people serving in clerical or administrative positions. Eligible claimants include longshoremen, ship-breakers, and individuals who are responsible for building or repairing large vessels.

Proximity to the water. Employees who perform tasks such as shipbuilding in a remote location are not covered by the act, which applies to incidents that occur “on, near or adjacent to navigable water.”

Available benefits. In addition to receiving payments for medical costs, federal Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act temporary total disability recipients typically receive two-thirds of their regular wages while they are out of work.

Attorney Murillo understands how difficult it can be to address your financial needs while healing from a work-related injury. That is why we make every effort to reach a prompt, successful resolution for your case.

Accomplished Law Firm Represents Injured Stevedores, Ship-Breakers And Other Maritime Employees

Though it is a federal statute, the LHWCA contains benefits that are similar to those offered by state workers’ compensation programs. Depending on the nature and duration of your medical condition, our law firm helps clients seek partial and total disability benefits on a temporary or permanent basis. A death benefit is also available to surviving family members of a stevedore, longshoreman or other eligible shipping worker who dies as a result of a work-related incident.

What Injuries Or Illnesses Are Covered By The Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act?

The Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act provides a number of different financial compensations for different injuries, disabilities, and illnesses including:

  • Occupational disease and infection that arises out of employment or results from accidental injury
  • Physical harm caused by an accident
  • Physical harm caused by unsafe work conditions
  • Injuries caused by the willful act of a third person directed against an employee due to their employment
  • Pre-existing health conditions aggravated or accelerated by employment

Contact A Dedicated Attorney For Assistance With A Dock Work Injury Claim

If you have been hurt in your harbor job and believe you are entitled to benefits under the Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act , Attorney Murillo understands the unique nature of these claims and can seek appropriate benefits on your behalf. Don’t trust something this important to someone unfamiliar with this area of practice. Orlando R. Murillo P.A. can help you obtain the benefits you deserve after a maritime workplace injury. Call 786-891-5842 or contact us online to schedule a consultation at our Miami office.